Christian Munk, Progressive Factor(y)


This is my declaration of principles and intentions:

Everything is art, based on nature, technic or technology.

I develop art. Out of serendipity originates technology and vice versa.

The physical, transmedial and virtual space is endless as art.

The cause is always improvable and never finished.

The cause is to be viewed as a whole and it is to be realized from start to finish.

Work and endurance lead to the result and vice versa.

Money serves as fuel and must not be exploited.

Less presentshrinking and more deceleration.

New technology fields open new fields of ideas.

New fields of ideas are explored by experiments.

New experiments lead to new technologies.

Communication is an interface between equal and different systems.

(Human – Human, Human – Machine, Machine – Machine, Machine – Human)

Idea – vision – execution – reflection – an endless circle.

Everyone is an individual and has their own areas of expertise.

Ideas are restless and must be promoted to advance.

Mankind grants technology a soul.

Mankind, art & technology want to be intertwined.

Digital and human networks expand the cause.

1 + 1 = >> 2

A free spirit is active.

Eternaty is virtual.

Chaos promotes happiness, order is convenient and vice versa.

Chaos and order creates art and vice versa.

The system is organic and in an ongoing process of change.

The future originates from the past and is in the present.

Vernissage und Performance im Rahmen des Höfefest 2014